
Join our growing Cheakamus family
Help support three vital initiatives:
- Cabin Enhancement Project – energy efficiency improvements to our well-loved cabins.
- Adopt A School – enables children who face financial barriers to participate in our school programs.
- Habitat conservation - protection of critical salmon and overwintering bald eagle habitats. Click here to see conservation projects map.
Whether it is a cash, named or planned-giving donation, volunteer work party, or participation in one of our seasonal events your support, energy, and enthusiasm will provide for life-changing opportunities for youth.
We greatly appreciate contributions of all amounts. Donations are tax-deductible.
Ways to Give:
Direct On-Line Giving:
Personal Cheque
Please mail cheque to: Cheakamus Foundation for Environmental Learning c/o 2121 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7M 2K6
Building on over five decades of experience, your donation will continue to ensure the very best in environmental and Indigenous cultural education for future generations.
The Cheakamus Foundation for Environmental Learning was created in January 2009 to support the ongoing success and viability of Cheakamus Centre and is a registered charity #82655 1293 RR0001.
For more information about the Foundation, development initiatives, and custom sponsorship opportunities, please contact:
Cathy Jenkins
Project Manager, Campus Renewal
Thank you for your generous support!