Outdoor Learning Activities
The student-centred learning activities have been developed to support SD44’s Educational Continuity Plan for elementary learners. Place-based environmental learning approaches link strongly to the core competencies.
Nature Art
Nature Numeracy
Trash to Treasure
Ethnobotany @ Cheakamus
Cheakamus Centre Longhouse
Ch’iyákmesh River
Hummingbird at Cheakamus Centre
Sensory Wake-up
Nature Cologne
Sound Mapping
Instant Camera
My Special Place
Activities Designed around the Thinking Core Competency:
1. Weaving
Weaving is a method of fabric production in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth.
- Weaving with Aura Part 1: Getting Started Video
- Weaving with Aura Part 2: Twining, Twill and Finishing Video
2. Nature Art
Can you find art in nature? Can you create an environmental work of art by blending bits and pieces of the place that surrounds you? Find a beautiful spot that you can use as your nature art gallery.
- Learning Activity Guide
3. Nature Numeracy
Numeracy skills can be practiced anywhere. It is a lot of fun to find Math in nature. Can you demonstrate your numeracy skills by making fractions with found objects in your backyard or in nearby nature?
- Learning Activity Guide
4. Trash to Treasure
Your challenge is to create something useful and/or beautiful out of something that would usually be thrown away (either in the recycling or garbage).
- Learning Activity Guide
Activities Designed around the Communication Core Competency:
Storytelling is an important aspect of Indigenous cultures throughout the world. Our stories will highlight the connection between People and Place, including some of our most beloved people and places from Cheakamus Centre.
1. Ethnobotany - a study of local plants and their uses
Imagine that you are living here hundreds of years ago... Imagine there are no stores, no refrigerators, no stoves or microwaves. Everything you need for food, tools and medicine needs to be gathered from nature.
2. Stories of Special Place
What are the stories of your special place?
3. Interview with a Family Member
Interview a family member about an important family 'treasure'.
4. Backyard Birding
Be a Scientist, become an expert observer!
Activities around the Personal and Social Core Competency:
1. Sensory Wake-up Learning Activity
Wake up your senses, hone your observation skills and explore your local environment!
2. Mindfulness Learning Activity
Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment. It is a great way to enhance your connection with nature.
3. Nature Cologne Learning Activity
Create and share a wonderful smelling perfume from the variety of plants and trees in your environment.
- Learning Activity Guide
4. Sound Mapping Learning Activity
Do you hear what I hear? Make a sound map while sitting outdoors and tuning into your sense of sound. This activity will also help you to feel calm and focused.
- Learning Activity Guide
5. Instant Camera Learning Activity
Partner with a family member to create “pictures” of beautiful and interesting things in your local environment.
- Learning Activity Guide
6. My Special Place Learning Activity
Choose and explore a special natural place. Describe the local environment using your senses and discover your own connections to place!
7. Make A Piece Of Nature Learning Activity
Connect with nature by building a miniature garden in a glass container. You can choose if you want this to live indoors or outdoors.
- Learning Activity Guide
We hope these activities will support students, families and teachers to take their learning outdoors - stay tuned for new Outdoor Learning @ Home Activities every week. Watch our social media channels (Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube) for more Outdoor Learning @ Home #OL@H ideas!